Translations for
Quality translations for your business

Translations for websites

If you have decided to make a website with 2 or more languages (and translation is quite a time-consuming task), you can order it from us – we offer low prices and in quick time.

Speak to your clients like a native speaker

Sometimes people have translation which seems to be satisfactory without any grammatical errors, but consider how would it look like through “proper” English/Russian/Lithuanian language?

It is known that many things would be spoken or abbreviated differently by the British/Lithuanians or Russians. This nuance often gives away a none spoken national and pushes clients away from even the highest of quality websites.

Writing or re-writing

We can write texts for your website from scratch or re-write your own texts.

Writing texts from scratch implies that you gives us some kind of base. We can discuss about it by phone or you write it and send to us.
Re-writing implies ready texts for whole websites, but you need to increase uniqueness or need texts to be more “native”.

80% or more of uniqueness

All texts we write or re-write for our websites have minimum 80%, that very important for SEO-optimization.

Why not 100%? Because even 2 adjacent words, like on other sites, already reduce uniqueness, therefore, it is impossible to achieve 100%, but 80% is possible and such a percentage of uniqueness is well perceived by search engines (such as Google), which raises your site higher in requests.

Translations for other needs

We also cater for translations of any documents or other texts: medical articles, documentations, business reports, religious texts, and various technical descriptions of products and services.

Short texts (up to 4000 words) are done within 1-2 days, but if the text is complicated, more time may be well be needed to check the terms, etc. For an additional fee we can translate text before an agreed term if it’s possible (if you need a text of 5000 words to be translated in 2 hours that is, of course this would be impossible to implement).
If the text is very large – we agree on terms individually, depending on the word count. We can agree on “milestones” – split the text into a several parts and set up a deadline for each of them. This way you will see that there is a constant progress.

Available languages


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